Monday, August 6, 2007

230+ Shortcuts for Top Web Services

by Stan Schroeder
Source : Link

Prepare your fingers, and throw your mouse away: you’re not going to need it. For your weekend reading, we’ve prepared a list of the most useful keyboard shortcuts for our favorite web services. So, if you need a quick reference as to which key does what on what site, this is where you find it. Enjoy!


Gmail logo

c - compose a new mail
/ - puts your cursor in the search box
k - move to newer conversation
j - Move to older conversation
n - next message
p - previous message
o or Enter - open a conversation
u - return to conversation list
y - archive a conversation
m - mute (archive and make all future messages from this conversation skip the inbox)
x - select conversation
s - star a message or conversation
! - report spam
r - reply to a mail
a - reply to all recepients
f - forward message
Esc - escape from input field
ctrl+s - save draft

key combos

tab then Enter - send message
y then o - archive your conversation and move to the next one.
g then a - go to all mail
g then s - go to starred conversations
g then c - go to contacts list.
g then d - go to drafts
g then i - go to inbox

Official list of Gmail shortcuts

Google Reader

Google reader logo

j/k - selects the next/previous item in the list
space/shift-space - moves the page down/up
n/p - in list view, selects the next item without opening it
o - in list view, expands or collapses the selected item
enter - in list view, expands or collapses the selected item
s - stars the selected item
shift-s - shares the selected item
m - switches the read state of the selected item
t - opens the tagging field for the selected item
v - opens the original source for this article in a new window
shift-a - marks all items in the current view as read
1 - displays the subscription as expanded items
2 - displays the subscription as a list of headlines
r - refreshes the unread counts in the navigation
shift-n/p - selects the next/previous subscription or folder in the navigation
shift-x - expand or collapse a folder selected in the navigation
shift-o - opens the item currently selected in the navigation
gh - goes to the Google Reader homepage
ga - goes to the “All items” view
gs - goes to the “Starred items” view
gt - allows you to navigate to a tag by entering the tag name
gu - allows you to navigate to a subscription by entering the subscription name
u - hides and shows the list of subscriptions
? - displays a quick guide to all of Reader’s shortcuts

Official list of Google Reader shortcuts

Google Calendar

Google calendar

calendar view

c - Allows you to create a new event. + c allows you to create an event in a new window.
/ - Places your cursor in the search box
p - Moves your calendar view to the previous date range
n - Moves your calendar view to the next date range
t - Moves you to the current day
d - Displays your calendar in the “Day” view
x - Displays your calendar in a customized view
w - Displays your calendar in the “Week” view
m - Displays your calendar in the “Month” view
a - Displays your calendar in the “Agenda” view
q - Opens “Quick Add”
Esc - Brings you back to the default calendar view

event view

Enter - Expands a collapsed region
Tab - Moves your cursor to the next field
Alt then s - Saves the event
Esc - Brings you back to the default calendar view

Official list of Google Calendar shortcuts

Google Maps

Google Maps logo

arrow keys - pan the map in various directions
page up, page down, home and end - pan out even wider
+/- - zoom in/out

Official list of Google Maps shortcuts

Google Video

Google video logo

space bar - play/pause
right/left arrow skip -jump back 5%
up/down arrow - increase/decrease the volume 5%
m - mute
f - toggle full screen
Esc - return from full screen to normal mode

Official list of Google Video shortcuts

Google Docs & Spreadsheets

Google Docs logo

Ctrl+B - bold
Ctrl+C - copy
Ctrl+I - italicize
Ctrl+P - print
Ctrl+S - save
Ctrl+U - underline
Ctrl+V - paste
Ctrl+X - cut
Ctrl+Y - redo
Ctrl+Z - undo
Shift+Tab - move to previous cell/row
Tab - move to next cell/row

The above are only the shortcuts which work in both docs and spreadsheets. For a full list of all keyboard shortcuts in these two apps, see below.

Official list of Google Docs & Spreadsheets shortcuts


Netvibes logo

main panel

h - show help
arrow keys - navigate through modules
e - edit module
d - delete module
p - publish module
Enter - perform action on module (depending on the module, it can be open feed, start typing, etc)
Esc - removes focus from current module
a - add content to your Netvibes page
j and k - navigate through tabs

tabs shortcuts

t then o - opens tab options
t then 1,2,3,4 - sets the number of columns to 1,2,3 or 4 in the current tab
t then r - rename tab
t then d - delete tab

content panel

h - show help
a - add new feed
b - go to Netvibes ecosystem
t - close the content panel

feed reader

h - show help
n - next item
p - previous items
a - mark all as read
u - mark all as unread
Esc - close feed reader

Official list of Netvibes shortcuts



+ - add a new section (talk pages only)
. - opens your user page if logged in
= - protect/unprotect the current page (sysops only)
c - shows the content page associated with the current article
d - delete/undelete the current page (sysops only)
e - edit this page/show source of current page
f - search Wikipedia
h - current page’s history
j - shows all of the pages that link to the current one
k - shows recent changes in pages linked to the current one
l - opens your watchlist (logged - in users only)
m - move the current page and its talk page (non - move - protected pages only)
n - opens your user’s or IP’s talk page
p - shows a preview of your changes (on edit pages)
q - shows a list of all special pages
r - shows a list of recent changes to the Wikipedia
s - saves the changes that you have made (on edit pages)
t - opens the current article’s talk page
u - allows you to upload images or media files
v - shows what changes you made to the text (on edit pages)
w - adds the current page to your watchlist (logged - in users only)
x - loads a random article
y - opens a list of your user’s or IP’s contributions
z - goes to the Main Page

Official list of Wikipedia shortcuts


Blogger logo

(these shortcuts work when editing posts)

control + b - Bold
control + i - Italic
control + l - Blockquote (when in HTML - mode only)
control + z - Undo
control + y - Redo
control + shift + a - Link
control + shift + p - Preview
control + d - Save as Draft
control + p - Publish Post
control + s - Autosave and keep editing
control + g - Hindi transliteration

Official list of Blogger shortcuts

Remember the Milk

remember the milk

t - Add a new item to the current list
c - Complete the selected task/s
p - Postpone the selected task/s by one day if they have a due date
d - Change the due date of the selected task
f - Change the repeat of the selected task
g - Change the time estimate of the selected task
s - Change the tags for the selected task
u - Change the URL for the selected task
l - Change the location for the selected task
y - Add a note to the selected task
r - Rename the selected item
z - Undo the last action
1 - Set the priority of the selected task/s to 1
2 - Set the priority of the selected task/s to 2
3 - Set the priority of the selected task/s to 3
4 - Set the selected task/s to have no priority
Del - Delete the currently selected task(s)
a - Select all items in the current list
n - Select none of the items in the current list
k - When on a list, move the cursor up
j - When on a list, move the cursor down
i - When on a list, select an item
h - Switch between tabs (e.g. Task and Notes)
m - Toggle multi - edit mode on or off (default is off)
Tab - Save input and move to the next input field
Esc - Remove the cursor from the current input field

Key Combos

Ctrl + Shift + / - Moves the cursor to the search box
Ctrl + Shift + 6 - Switch to the Overview screen
Ctrl + Shift + 7 - Switch to the Tasks screen
Ctrl + Shift + 8 - Switch to the Locations screen
Ctrl + Shift + 9 - Switch to the Contacts screen
Ctrl + Shift + 0 - Switch to the Settings screen
Ctrl + Shift + Right - Switch between tabs (e.g. move to the next list)
Ctrl + Shift + Left - Switch between tabs (e.g. move to the previous list)
Ctrl + Shift + l - Skip to Login screen (from homepage)

Locations Shortcuts

Arrow Keys - pan/move around the map
Page Up, Page Dn, Home, End - Pan - Move around the map, wider pan than arrow keys
+/- - Zoom In/Out
Ctrl + Shift + l - Moves the cursor to the location ‘go’ box

Official list of Remember the Milk shortcuts



Space - play/pause
right arrow - skip song
+ - mark as “thumbs up”
- - mark as “thumbs down”
up arrow - increase volume
down arrow - decrease volume
Shift+up arrow - max volume
Shift+down arrow - mute

Official list of Pandora shortcuts

Yahoo! Mail

Yahoo! Mail

m - check mail
Shift+m - check all mail
Ctrl+\ - close current tab
n - new message
Shift+n - new message in its own window
r - reply
Shift+r - reply in a new window
a - reply all
Shift+a - reply all in a new window
f - forward message
Shift+f - forward in a new window
k - mark as read
Shift+k - mark as unread
l - flag
Shift+l - clear flag
del - delete item
p/Ctrl+p - print
Ctrl+s - save draft
Ctrl+Enter - send message
v - turn reading pane on/off
Ctrl+[ - navigate through tabs
Ctrl+] - navigate through tabs
Enter - open message in its own tab (when message is selected)
Enter - edit contact info (when contact is selected)
Ctrl+f - find a word or phrase in message
F11 - expand window to max height
Ctrl+. - next message (in message tab)
Ctrl+, - previous message (in message tab)
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+up arrow/down arrow - next/previous message
Ctrl+Shift+End - skip to oldest unread message
d - move message to folder
Esc - close read - message tab
Ctrl+Shift+End - start a new chat

Official list of Yahoo! Mail shortcuts


Wordpress logo

All letters uppercase - effectively, it means you have to press Alt+Shift+key

Alt+P - publish
Alt+B - bold
Alt+I - italic
Alt+Q - Blockquote
Alt+T - more (Read More tag)
Alt+U - ul (Unordered list)
Alt+O - ol (Ordered list)
Alt+L - li (list item)
Alt+A - link
Alt+C - code
Alt+S - ins
Alt+D - del

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